You have made a very significant contribution to PONCHO. Because of the retreat that you designed for our Executive Committee, this organization is going to be better positioned to address the challenges of our leadership role in the coming decades. The retreat allowed us to stop and think long enough about the implications of how we are operating today, of the issues surrounding our effectiveness, and of where we want to be 5 and 10 years from today. You have given us a very effective structure that asks the right questions, that brings the important issues to the table and that positions us to create a strategic long-range plan. I was impressed by the thoughtful, well-planned interview sessions that you had with each member of the Executive Committee and was further impressed the way you and Dale Freidig handled the day of the retreat. Through this retreat, you have given us the beginning of our future.

Judith A. Whetzel
Executive Director
Patrons of Northwest Civic, Cultural, and Charitable Organizations